
Tips From A Gemstone Wholesaler On How To Photograph Your Inventory

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In a world where online shopping is the norm, it’s essential to have a high-quality photographed inventory. If you are the owner of an online gemstone store or jewelry gift store, there are some practical ways that you can improve the way you photograph your inventory. Here are some essential tips on how to photograph your inventory from a gemstone wholesaler.

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1) Prepare For The Shoot

There are a few key steps to take before you begin shooting. Get these fundamentals right, and you’ll be setting yourself up for a successful photography session.

Equip Yourself With The Right Camera

When shooting crystals and gemstones, you need a camera that provides a superior image quality. DSLR cameras are ideal as you’re able to make many adjustments including the aperture, ISO, and shutter speed. You’ll also need to choose the right lens for the shoot. If you’re unable to secure a DSLR, then you can attempt to use your smartphone, provided it has a good-quality camera. Keep in mind that a smartphone camera will never match the depth and quality of a DSLR.

Use A Tripod

There is always the temptation to just take photos holding your camera in your hands. Although it may appear to be the most convenient, you could be compromising the quality of your shots. By using a tripod, you’re stabilizing your camera to ensure the clearest pictures. If you’re using your smartphone, then either look at getting a smartphone tripod cradle or positioning your phone on a stable surface when taking photographs.

Use A Wireless Shutter Release

These devices connect through Bluetooth and ensure that your camera or smartphone remains hands-free. Even the faintest touch on your camera or smartphone can affect the picture quality, and wireless snapping is always preferable.

Consider A Macro Lens

Macro lenses are particularly useful for close-up photography, such as photographing gemstones. You can also get a clip-on macro lens for your smartphone from various manufacturers.

Clean Your Inventory Well

A quality camera will capture the details on your inventory, including any dust or marks that may be present. Even fingerprints that aren’t visible to the naked eye can easily mar your pieces. Be sure to use a soft cloth to clean each piece and use cotton gloves when cleaning and remember to showcase the right crystals.

2) Choose The Right Background

The background you choose can significantly affect the appearance of lighter-toned gemstones so choosing the correct background is highly important..

When Should You Use A White Background?

Imperfect gemstones will look more appealing on lighter backgrounds. White backgrounds mirror light back at the subject of the photo, which helps to remove shadows. Shungite gemstones are a good example of a stone that is best photographed with a lighter background, due to their dark composition.

When Should You Use A Black Background?

Lighter gemstones will be more prominent on darker backgrounds. This is because contrast is created, causing the gemstone to pop out into the foreground.

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3) Decide On Lighting

It’s always best to use one color temperature when photographing. Mixed lighting, such as daylight, or fluorescent lighting can affect light consistency in your shots. Direct lighting works well for gemstones as it creates dispersion in a gemstone. Phenomena such as chatoyancy (a cat eye effect) or asterism (a star effect) are also brought out by direct lighting.

If you want to exhibit a gemstone’s color, then consider going with diffused lighting. This softens shadows and scatters light. Simply place a light diffuser between your light source and the gem, and you’ll notice a subtle difference in the sharpness of your images. You can use tracing paper or vellum to create a similar effect. Diffused lighting also works well for polished, shiny materials. This is because it introduces softer gradients and highlights the design in question.

4) Pick The Right Positioning

Gemstones are cut to exhibit their best color when looking down at them. A gem with asterism, for instance, is best positioned in a way that centers the star in the gemstone. ‘Straight on’ positioning is best for a documentary style, however, a turned gem, or skewed camera angle can help to capture the imagination of the viewer. Always consider the aim and intention of the designer when deciding on the best position.

5) Process Your Images

Once you’ve taken your photographs, it’s time to edit and process each shot. This includes cropping, color balance, contrast, and tinting of the image at hand. There are lots of software options available to process your photographs, such as Adobe Lightroom and OpenCV. Remember that gemstone photography and processing can come with a steep learning curve. But the more you do it, the better you’ll get. Don’t be afraid to call in a professional if this all seems too overwhelming. If you’re operating a gemstone gift store, you must showcase your gemstone inventory as best you can.

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Trusted Gemstone Wholesaler

At The Gemstone Factory, we are a wholesale distributor of crystals, gemstones, rocks, and minerals. As a family-owned and run business, we take pride in showcasing our collection online. Our collection can also be viewed in person at our showroom, as well as unique specimens that are only available for viewing at our showroom. We’ve designed our web page to help make the ordering process easier from start to finish. Alternatively, call us at 954-341-3633 to find out more about our beautiful collection of gemstones, or to book a showroom viewing.

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