Crystal Of The Month: Carnelian
Carnelian is a popular stone of choice among crystal wholesalers. A brownish-red-orange mineral that is also a semi-precious gemstone, it’s commonly used for jewelry, decorating in the home, meditation, and more. Depending on the composition, carnelian can also be pale orange, slightly pink, or almost black. It is a form of chalcedony which is a member of the quartz family.
Read on to learn more about this unique stone from the carnelian wholesalers at The Gemstone Factory.
The Meaning Of Carnelian
Carnelian is considered to be a stabilizer and promotes precision and perceptiveness. It also stimulates the spirit and inspires courage and boldness. Therefore, it was commonly worn by warriors as a necklace, to help conquer enemies in battle. In ancient Egypt, it was referred to as a “sunset stone” because of its bright colors and the way it reflected heat from the sun. It was believed that that heat was then channeled into the person wearing it. Additional uses include protection and the pursuit of wealth and wisdom.

The History Of Carnelian
The name “carnelian” is Latin for “flesh.” Considering its reputation for enhancing personal relationships and restoring physical energy, this is a rather appropriate meaning.
Carnelian has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. Known as a “soul stirrer,” this brightly colored stone was worn or held to re-invigorate strength and energy at the end of the day, or when one felt in need of a pick-me-up. Ancient Egyptians believed the orange carnelian contained feminine energy, which helped to regulate the menstrual cycle and fertility. It was also believed to be connected to the goddess Isis and was one of the most popular stones used in jewelry.
For male Egyptians, red carnelian was believed to help shed old energy and channel new, fiery energy. That fiery energy made the stone essential to carry into or before the battle. That same fiery energy was also believed to stir up passion and reignite romance when it was needed.
Other uses for carnelian are quite diverse. Architects wore it to symbolize their powerful status in society while others would wear it for wellness purposes, believing it helped stave off the effects of sickness and plague, which was a frequent danger for most of human history. Ultimately, carnelian is best known for bringing out passion and a fighting spirit.
Other parts of the world where carnelian can be found include;
- India
- Egypt
- Uruguay
- Brazil
- Amazon
Wearing Carnelian
Many people are drawn to carnelian because its fiery orange and red color is intriguing and eye-catching. Others wear carnelian jewelry as a means of becoming more confident. Specifically, this stone is believed to help empower people in positions of authority, or those who work on the stage. There is no shortage of ways this stone can be worn: in bracelets, rings, necklaces, or earrings. Some simply prefer to carry the stone on their person; perhaps in a pocket or purse. It is believed that having it on the body helps reap the benefits of energy, confidence, and healing.

Carnelian In The Home
In addition to being a popular jewelry piece, carnelian is also commonly used for decorating within the home. Some people believe that carnelian helps prevent theft by offering a hedge of protection. Others like to have it in their homes as a means to help understand the needs of others: particularly if they live with other family members, or are frequent hosts. Because carnelian also has a reputation for bringing luck, it’s used for home decorating to help attract prosperity. For those who struggle to open up to others, carnelian is used to help them be more outgoing and social.
Carnelian helps foster creativity and theatrical pursuits. It can bolster the imagination of those working from home. From enhancing positive communication to self-confidence to luck and prosperity, carnelian is a popular choice for crystal collectors looking to use stones for decorative and healing purposes.

Carnelian Wholesalers In South Florida
Family-owned and operated for over 28 years, The Gemstone Factory is one of South Florida’s most respected crystal wholesalers.
Our South Florida showroom can be visited by appointment only. Wholesale orders can easily be placed on our website
Call today at (954) 341-3633 or email us at Please note that our appointment schedule can fill up quickly if you’re hoping to make a purchase in time for a specific event!